Saturday, May 26, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
didu know?
From the figure below, it is obvious to see that how every actions have an impact in our environment. Part of the reason we didn't start to act is because we are unaware of how our daily usage causes in carbon emission. An investigation was done and it shows that...
1. If you do not eat meat for 1 meal, you can reduce 780 capture in carbon emission
2. if you cut down 1 kg of rubbish, you can reduce 206 capture in carbon emission
3. if you didn't use air conditioner for 1 hour, you can reduce 572.40 capture in carbon emission
4. if you take less than 1 floor elevator, you can reduce 218 capture in carbon emission
5. if you completely shut down your laptop and unplug them for 16 hours, you can reduce 46.70 capture in carbon emission
6. if you stand by our computer for 10 minutes, you can reduce 6.36 capture in carbon emission
7. if you did not open your desktop for 1 hour, you can reduce 109 capture in carbon emission
8. if you did not ride on motorcycle for 1 km, you can reduce 62 capture in carbon emission
9. if you did not drive your car for 1 km, you can reduce 221 capture in carbon emission
10. if you use 1 less Dixie cup (cup made of papers), you can reduce 11 capture in carbon emission
11. if you use 1 less of take away box, you can reduce 480 capture in carbon emission
12. if you use 1 kilowatt less of electricity, you can reduce 636 capture in carbon emission
13. if you watch 1 hour less of TVs, you can reduce 89 capture in carbon emission
14. if you use 1 hour less in washing your cloths from washing machines, you can reduce 267 capture in carbon emission
15. if you use 10 minutes less of hair dryer, you can reduce 110.60 capture in carbon emission
16. if you use electricity saving bulb, you can reduce 62.328 capture in carbon emission
17. if you turn off electricity water hot pot for 12 hours,you can reduce 267.12 capture in carbon em
Can you see how surprising this figure is? so,
1. If you do not eat meat for 1 meal, you can reduce 780 capture in carbon emission
2. if you cut down 1 kg of rubbish, you can reduce 206 capture in carbon emission
3. if you didn't use air conditioner for 1 hour, you can reduce 572.40 capture in carbon emission
4. if you take less than 1 floor elevator, you can reduce 218 capture in carbon emission
5. if you completely shut down your laptop and unplug them for 16 hours, you can reduce 46.70 capture in carbon emission
6. if you stand by our computer for 10 minutes, you can reduce 6.36 capture in carbon emission
7. if you did not open your desktop for 1 hour, you can reduce 109 capture in carbon emission
8. if you did not ride on motorcycle for 1 km, you can reduce 62 capture in carbon emission
9. if you did not drive your car for 1 km, you can reduce 221 capture in carbon emission
10. if you use 1 less Dixie cup (cup made of papers), you can reduce 11 capture in carbon emission
11. if you use 1 less of take away box, you can reduce 480 capture in carbon emission
12. if you use 1 kilowatt less of electricity, you can reduce 636 capture in carbon emission
13. if you watch 1 hour less of TVs, you can reduce 89 capture in carbon emission
14. if you use 1 hour less in washing your cloths from washing machines, you can reduce 267 capture in carbon emission
15. if you use 10 minutes less of hair dryer, you can reduce 110.60 capture in carbon emission
16. if you use electricity saving bulb, you can reduce 62.328 capture in carbon emission
17. if you turn off electricity water hot pot for 12 hours,you can reduce 267.12 capture in carbon em
Can you see how surprising this figure is? so,
the fact
The facts
Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.
We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. However, it is not many of us realize this problems. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.
Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. However, in developing and non-developed countries, people have low knowledges about this fact and there is a big part of uneducated people, the implementation often fail.
Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.
Green Design
Green design(also called sustainable design) is intended to develop more environmentally benign products and processes.The application of green design involves a particular framework for considering environmentalissues, the application of relevant analysis and synthesis methods, and a challenge to traditionalprocedures for design and manufacturing.
There is no widespread consensus on the particular goals to be pursued by green design. Some hold the opinion that green design should be pursued solely to reduce costs. Others focus on particular strategies, such as recycling to save raw material. No matter how people think of it, the main attention should be focus on particular environment problem, such as global warming, or a particular media, such as air pollution.
I think solar collector is a good example of the green design. Thus, people are the contributors who are using that to reduce the air pollution. I have found another example of solar energy. Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy.
There are some principles for Green design
1. Low-impact materials.
2. Energy efficiency.
3. Quality and durability
4. Design and durability
Come on guys, let's extend the life of our future!
There is no widespread consensus on the particular goals to be pursued by green design. Some hold the opinion that green design should be pursued solely to reduce costs. Others focus on particular strategies, such as recycling to save raw material. No matter how people think of it, the main attention should be focus on particular environment problem, such as global warming, or a particular media, such as air pollution.
I think solar collector is a good example of the green design. Thus, people are the contributors who are using that to reduce the air pollution. I have found another example of solar energy. Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy.
There are some principles for Green design
1. Low-impact materials.
2. Energy efficiency.
3. Quality and durability
4. Design and durability
Green design = Future
Come on guys, let's extend the life of our future!
what problems does pollution brings?
Study Finds-Pollution
Causes 40 Percent
of Deaths Worldwide
According to ScienceDaily about 40 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by water, air and soil pollution, concludes a Cornell researcher. Such environmental degradation, coupled with the growth in world population are major causes behind the rapid increase in human diseases, which the World Health Organization has recently reported. Both factors contribute to the malnourishment and disease susceptibility of 3.7 billion people, he says.
David Pimentel, Cornell professor of ecology and agricultural sciences, and a team of Cornell graduate students examined data from more than 120 published papers on the effects of population growth, malnutrition and various kinds of environmental degradation on human diseases. Their report is published in the online version of the journal Human Ecology and will be published in the December print issue.
"We have serious environmental resource problems of water, land and energy, and these are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition and the incidence of diseases," said Pimentel.
Of the world population of about 6.5 billion, 57 percent is malnourished, compared with 20 percent of a world population of 2.5 billion in 1950, said Pimentel. Malnutrition is not only the direct cause of 6 million children's deaths each year but also makes millions of people much more susceptible to such killers as acute respiratory infections, malaria and a host of other life-threatening diseases, according to the research.
Among the studies other main points:
- Nearly half the world's people are crowded into urban areas, often without adequate sanitation, and are exposed to epidemics of such diseases as measles and flu.
- With 1.2 billion people lacking clean water, waterborne infections account for 80 percent of all infectious diseases. Increased water pollution creates breeding grounds for malaria-carrying mosquitoes, killing 1.2 million to 2.7 million people a year, and air pollution kills about 3 million people a year. Unsanitary living conditions account for more than 5 million deaths each year, of which more than half are children.
- Air pollution from smoke and various chemicals kills 3 million people a year. In the United States alone about 3 million tons of toxic chemicals are released into the environment -- contributing to cancer, birth defects, immune system defects and many other serious health problems.
- Soil is contaminated by many chemicals and pathogens, which are passed on to humans through direct contact or via food and water. Increased soil erosion worldwide not only results in more soil being blown but spreading of disease microbes and various toxins.
At the same time, more microbes are becoming increasingly drug-resistant. Global warming, together with changes in biological diversity, influence parasite evolution and the ability of exotic species to invade new areas. As a result, such diseases as tuberculosis and influenza are re-emerging as major threats, while new threats -- including West Nile virus and Lyme disease -- have developed.
"A growing number of people lack basic needs, like pure water and ample food. They become more susceptible to diseases driven by malnourishment, and air, water and soil pollutants," Pimentel concludes. He and his co-authors call for comprehensive and fair population policies and more conservation of environmental resources that support human life.
"Relying on increasing diseases and malnutrition to limit human numbers in the world diminishes the quality of life for all humans and is a high-risk policy," the researchers conclude.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
birth rate
Since the world’s population is increasing
dramatically, we are actually over consuming the resources. Even we try so hard
to reduce the consumptions the resources would be finished up some day. The
great impact of this mass consumption is the birth rate.

This graph is about
the birth rate in 2010. As we can see, there are a plenty of high-birth-rate
countries in Asian whereas other continents have the low birth rate. Therefore,
birth control policies are mainly applied in Asian countries.
Control policy
For example, government of China implements
the One-Child Policy which states that every family can just have one child. But,
there are also privileges for the family which compose of two single children
(parents). That is if parents are the only children of their own family, they
can have 2 children.
There are plenty of ways to avoid having the
second child.
l Mechanisms of
action and terminology
l Contraception
l Sterilization
Above are the broadly use methods of birth
Everyone in the world is responsible for every
single resource they use. Therefore, such a great issue should be taken
Green advertisement
A specific type of advertising that is centered around the promotion of factors having to do with the environment. Often times the companies that use green advertising also use very environmentally friendly operations and product packaging as well. Such these kinds of advertisement is very important, cause people will be influenced in different levels.
People have felt boring for the traditional advertising, thus, innovation should be considered into the advertising which is used to catch people's attention. Here is one of the creative advertisings created by WWF which is about the global warming.

Let's watch more creative advertisings.
Challenge:Some places in our planet are still being polluted. People are used to flowing stinky water without attention. Scheme: We erect a board on a drainage hole, meaning dirty water is like egesta. We want to arouse people`s caution about environment protection through strong visual impact of psychological or even physical aversion. Result: This creation "strongly" interacts with audience to make people aware of the environmental protection issue.
No butts on the beach!
So, as we can see from the creative advertising above, they are important to wake up people to protect environment, thus, government should pay more attention to such these kinds of activities.
land pollution
Land pollution is causes by dumping urban waste indiscriminately, industrial waste, mineral exploitation, and misusing the soil by harmful agricultural practices such as chemicals in pesticides and herbicides.
Land Pollution Comprises: Solid Waste and Soil Pollution
Solid waste
Solid matters that are created by human or animal activities, and which are disposed because they are useless are known as solid waste. Most of them are not biodegradable, which means they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic processes. Some of the sources of solid waste that cause land pollution are waste from agricultural, mining, industry, Solids from Sewage Treatment, ashes, garbage.
Soil Pollution
Soil pollution is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides and herbicides. Soil pollution results from:
What are the Consequences of Land Pollution?
Land pollution can affect wildlife, plants, and humans in a number of ways, such as:
How can Land Pollution be prevented?
external image land-pollution.jpg |
Land Pollution Comprises: Solid Waste and Soil Pollution
Solid waste
Solid matters that are created by human or animal activities, and which are disposed because they are useless are known as solid waste. Most of them are not biodegradable, which means they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic processes. Some of the sources of solid waste that cause land pollution are waste from agricultural, mining, industry, Solids from Sewage Treatment, ashes, garbage.
Soil Pollution
Soil pollution is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides and herbicides. Soil pollution results from:
- Unhealthy methods of soil management.
- Harmful practices of irrigation methods.
What are the Consequences of Land Pollution?
Land pollution can affect wildlife, plants, and humans in a number of ways, such as:
- Cause problems in the respiratory system
- Cause problems on the skin
- Lead to birth defects
- Cause various kinds of cancers
- Coming into contact with the skin
- Being washed into water sources like reservoirs and rivers
- Eating fruits and vegetables that have been grown in polluted soil
- Breathing in polluted dust or particles
How can Land Pollution be prevented?
- People should be educated and made aware about the harmful effects of littering
- Items used for domestic purposes ought to be reused or recycled
- Personal litter should be disposed properly
- Organic waste matter should be disposed in areas that are far away from residential places
- Inorganic matter such as paper, plastic, glass and metals should be reclaimed and then recycled
how smoking affect the environmet

The air pollution is becoming the hot issue these days. Many researches have indicated that smokers are one of the direct contributor of the air environment pollution.
- How smokings cause air pollution?
Almost all smokers think that smoking just affect their own health. However, the fact is smoking is not only damage their health but also affect other people. When you smoke, it is not just you inhale the harmful substance, when you breath, you are releasing that residual to the atmosphere so that everyone around you will inhale the residuals.
- Cigarette smoke produces 10 times more air pollution than diesel car exhaust

The controlled experiment was carried out in a private garage in a small mountain town in northern Italy. The town enjoys very low levels of particulate matter air pollutionA turbo diesel 2 litre engine was started and left idling for 30 minutes in the garage, with the doors closed, after which the doors were left open for four hours. The car was fuelled with low sulphur fuel. Three filter cigarettes were then lit up sequentially, and left smouldering for a further 30 minutes. The nicotine and tar content of each cigarette was 1 mg and 11.2 mg, respectively. A portable analyser took readings every two minutes during the experiments. Combined particulate levels in the first hour after the engine had been started measured 88 ug/m3. Those recorded in the first hour after the cigarettes had been lit measured 830 ug/m3: 10 times greater. The diesel engine exhaust doubled the particulate matter levels found outdoors at its peak; the environmental tobacco smoke particulate matter reached levels 15 times those measured outdoors.
To sum up, smokers should all be aware of the huge impact on other people and the whole environment, and meanwhile take care of their own body.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Attitude towards environment
Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find. ~Quoted in Time
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Green Food
Green Food is becoming more and more popular, do you guys know why?
Here are four guesses by me.
1.The people's life level is improving day after day.
2.The different attitude to the healthy lifestyle.
3.environmental pollution
4.The average quality of people in our society is increasing.
After all, with the development of society, people have realized that we need green food. Food is the staff of life, and is the first thing we think about the healthy. So far, people are particular about the food, and the most important thing is to eat well. With the continuous improvement of science technology, much fertilizer and pesticide with excessive chemical compositions in them, have bad effects on human being’s health. Therefore, safe and nutritional “green food” comes into people’s daily life. Without health, the summation of the other aspect of your life is zero.
Healthy food includes vegetable, fruit, nuts and so on. It contains rich in fiber and various vitamins which help to keep us healthy and strong. It’s called ‘environmentally friendly food’ or ‘eco-food’. Also, meat, eggs, and milk are healthy food. It is high in protein to build our body and muscles. The importance of diet to health, especially in the prevention and cure of illness, is slowly becoming apparent. People endeavor to provide you with more than the basic and usually inaccurate information on diet and nutrition.
People's diet tends to be balanced. Eating a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods. The five basic groups are vegetables; fruit; bread and cereal; dairy; and meat, poultry, fish, and legumes (dry beans, lentils and peas). There's the sixth group: fats, sweets, and alcohol. It's a group you must avoid getting too many from them. Foods in this group have plenty of calories and not a fair balance of other nutrients.
Health Diet Pyramid has become a buzz word these years. People’s diet mostly changed referring to this pyramid. It contains four levels.
I think it is necessary for everyone to obey a healthy diet, because people’s health is essential in modern life. Maybe an optional choice is doing sports, which has nothing to do with our topic.
Water polution
Water pollution is on of the hit topic nowadays~!!
Can u imagin that 30 later you will probably be drinking your own rubish?
Can u use the water that my be dirtier than your body to take a shower?
Can u water you beautiful garden with black water?
I dun think everyone has doing their responsibility.
About 20% of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and about 50% lacks adequate sanitation.
The King River is Australia’s most polluted river, suffering from a severe acidic condition related to mining operations.100, 000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and other aquatic lives are killed due to plastic waste in water and coastal area.
But I think these kinds of problems are not "news". It's just not many people realized them.
Assume that you have 10000 branches of hair. You cut 1 per day. In about 27 year you will have no hair.
So as the resources on the earth. If you dun proctect the water resource that fullfill your inant need every day. You won't have enough water to support your life.
It is everyone's responsibility to play the role on water pollution reducing and this campaigning. Decrease the use of unrecycle product and pollutant consumption is one of the best way to do it!
Can u imagin that 30 later you will probably be drinking your own rubish?
Can u use the water that my be dirtier than your body to take a shower?
Can u water you beautiful garden with black water?
I dun think everyone has doing their responsibility.
About 20% of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and about 50% lacks adequate sanitation.
The King River is Australia’s most polluted river, suffering from a severe acidic condition related to mining operations.100, 000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds and other aquatic lives are killed due to plastic waste in water and coastal area.
But I think these kinds of problems are not "news". It's just not many people realized them.
Assume that you have 10000 branches of hair. You cut 1 per day. In about 27 year you will have no hair.
So as the resources on the earth. If you dun proctect the water resource that fullfill your inant need every day. You won't have enough water to support your life.
It is everyone's responsibility to play the role on water pollution reducing and this campaigning. Decrease the use of unrecycle product and pollutant consumption is one of the best way to do it!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Green Economy
Green economy:Does it include you?
People need to protect the environment while they are developing economy. Especially for the developing countries. For example, Chian, in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often conflict. Some people may hold the opinion that, we can develop the economy first and fix the environment later. However,that is quite unreasonable!!!To my opinion, in order to meet the increasing population and environmentally sustainable, the green economy has become a serious problem. Thus, it is very necessary for everyone to fully understand the importance of promoting the green consumption and urgency. Do you guys remember my last post? It is also talking about environemnt, the point is about action, not just keep everything in mind. We can not throw all the pressure to government, we need to help each other. Government is the macro factor, and individual is micro factor. Government need to drive the green industry development, promote the upgrading of industrial structure optimization. What about us? It is very easy, w just need to protect the environment in our daily life.

Can you image your child will live in the bad environemnt? Come on guys! Let's protect ourselves, protect our children protect our big family- The Earth. So, green economy is necessary for us, it is a good way to form production and consumption in the virtuous cycle, make every thing last forever.
Friday, April 20, 2012
environment protection
My Environment Inc. |
Everyone can make a big
It is obvious that we can see and felt the earth is changing significantly. All the creatures are experiencing climate change, global warming, and natural disasters that are more frequent than back in old days. It has alarmed us is time to awake and not until the world become irremediable.
Importance of Environmental protections
Environmental protection means that human beings consciously protect and reasonably make use of natural resources and prevent natural environment from pollution and destruction;to the environment that has been polluted and destroyed comprehensive management measures have to be taken to create an environment suitable for human life and work.- Our existence (human, animals and plants) depend on environment because we live in a closed interrelated system.
- Maintaining the environment helps preserve animal species that combine with the environment to help maintain plants (seed dispersion, pollination by insects, etc) on which we depend.
- Maintaining the environment allows future generations of humans to grow and live without having to deal with anything we've done to contaminate the environment in which we do live and they will live.
1. Electricity
Electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels namely natural gas and crude oil, which are non-renewable sources of energy. The burning of these fuels produces pollutants and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which is often associated with global warming.
- Switch these offwhen not in use: Lights, Air conditioning (do not over cool and close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on), computers,and other appliance that consume electricity.
- Shopping: Many products are now helping you to reduce your energy use and your parents’ energy bills! Check new products for their efficiency grade and rating and keep an eye out for the Energy Efficiency Recommended logo.
- Solar Panel: Solar panels create electricity from sunlight, which can then be used to power their homes. Solar heating panels make hot water, reducing the need for electricity or gas to heat water or run the central heating system.
2. Pollution

Pollution is caused when harmful or poisonous substances are released or found in the air, rivers, seas, animals, plants or even our bodies from the factories and cars.
- Don’t drop litter: Birds and animals can mistake litter for food. Litter can end up in rivers and block drains, or in the sea and be eaten by fish. Also, some litter will stay around for thousands of years
- On your bike: Instead of taking the car get your bicycle out or walk, it is also good for health and exercise too.
- Pleasing products : Many household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals which are washed down the drain. Encourage your parents to buy eco-friendly products or even make your own from natural substances
3. Rubbish
Every year we produce millions and millions tonnes of waste. We throw them away and many of these things are made up of natural resources such as trees, coal, oil and aluminium and one day some of these resources will be used up completely. Also recycling those substances would save up lots of energy to make a new one.
- Packaging: Packaging is a big problem for the environment, so avoid buying products that have a lot of paper and plastic around them.
- sort it out: Classify those rubbish into several category at home or use the recycle bin in the public place.
- Plastic Bags: Reusing the bags to shop
- Reuse them: Give any unwanted clothes to charity shops or to a Salvation Army recycling bank and save trees by recycling your own paper.Paper with a clean side can be made into notepads with a simple staple.
4. Deforestations
Rainforest are important because they can produce us oxygen through photosynthesis and help to regulate the world's climate and atmosphere. About half of all the species of animals and plants in the world live in rainforests and thousands of rainforest plants contain substances that can be used in medicines. Rainforests has been destroyed every year and now only cover 6% of the world as we cut down the trees for materials
- Good wood & flowers: Tropical hardwoods such as teak and mahogany are grown in rainforests and take hundreds of years to grow so avoid any products made with these woods. It is better have products made with pine, beech, ash or oak. Orchids are popular in florists, but many come from the rainforest, check before you buy them
- Protected Pets: Avoid purchase those pets comes from the wild for example parrots and macaws, this can gradually stops buyers from importing.
- Save trees: reused of papers.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Action and not just thinking
The Earth is losing its trees. Ethiopia, for example, is down to 3% forest cover. After trees are cut down, the land loses its fertility. Hunger and conflict grow. Biodiversity dwindles, and water supplies dry up. The deserts creep forward, hastening climate change. But there is something we can do.
We need to regreen the world! That is a complex and heavy mission for the human being. However, if every individual can share this mission, the target can be finished faster and easier.
Just to my opinion, the construction of ecological environment is the basis of developing green food. Thus, we should begin with protecting ecological environment. For example, protect the public plant, do not destory the trees, or pick up the flowers in the public area. Also, People need to pay attention to clean and do not throw rubbish to the ground any time.
They are the common sense for everyone even though we were still the child. Thus, the point is action not just keep every thing in mind. I am here to encourage everyone to take part in the plans, aiming to help the Earth to become increasingly healthier and greener every year.
The word Sustainability is derived from the Latin sustinere, and mainly, it is about maintaining supporting and enduring. In order to implement the the sustainability policy on the governments, business and individual should owns a perception of environment protection and at the same time they should be able to satisfy social equity and profitability ability. usually, this comes to ethical issues.
While businesses generating profit, the problem of ethical conducts and environmental protection place a great threat on the process. however, as the increasing demand on sustainability and the worst situation and global warming business should consider more on the sustainability aspect. many businesses nowadays, have payed much attention on this process and meanwhile generate lots if profit. moreover, environment protection can be a path way to built brand image and earn customer loyalty as well as advertising.
Apart from business, every individual have the responsibility to devote in this campaign. A major driver of human impact on Earth systems is the destruction of biophysical resources and especially, the Earth's ecosystems. The environmental impact of a community or of humankind as a whole depends both on population and impact per person, which in turn depends in complex ways on what resources are being used, whether or not those resources are renewable, and the scale of the human activity relative to the carrying capacity of the ecosystems involved. Careful resource management can be applied at many scales, from economic sectors like agriculture, manufacturing and industry, to work organizations, the consumption patterns of households and individuals and to the resource demands of individual goods and services.
reference: wikipedia,
While businesses generating profit, the problem of ethical conducts and environmental protection place a great threat on the process. however, as the increasing demand on sustainability and the worst situation and global warming business should consider more on the sustainability aspect. many businesses nowadays, have payed much attention on this process and meanwhile generate lots if profit. moreover, environment protection can be a path way to built brand image and earn customer loyalty as well as advertising.
Apart from business, every individual have the responsibility to devote in this campaign. A major driver of human impact on Earth systems is the destruction of biophysical resources and especially, the Earth's ecosystems. The environmental impact of a community or of humankind as a whole depends both on population and impact per person, which in turn depends in complex ways on what resources are being used, whether or not those resources are renewable, and the scale of the human activity relative to the carrying capacity of the ecosystems involved. Careful resource management can be applied at many scales, from economic sectors like agriculture, manufacturing and industry, to work organizations, the consumption patterns of households and individuals and to the resource demands of individual goods and services.
reference: wikipedia,
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