Saturday, April 28, 2012

Green Food

Green Food is becoming more and more popular, do you guys know why?

Here are four guesses by me.
1.The people's life level is improving day after day.
2.The different attitude to the healthy lifestyle.
3.environmental pollution
4.The average quality of people in our society is increasing.

After all, with the development of society, people have realized that we need green food. Food is the staff of life, and is the first thing we think about the healthy. So far, people are particular about the food, and the most important thing is to eat well. With the continuous improvement of science technology, much fertilizer and pesticide with excessive chemical compositions in them, have bad effects on human being’s health. Therefore, safe and nutritional “green food” comes into people’s daily life. Without health, the summation of the other aspect of your life is zero.
Healthy food includes vegetable, fruit, nuts and so on. It contains rich in fiber and various vitamins which help to keep us healthy and strong. It’s called ‘environmentally friendly food’ or ‘eco-food’. Also, meat, eggs, and milk are healthy food. It is high in protein to build our body and muscles. The importance of diet to health, especially in the prevention and cure of illness, is slowly becoming apparent. People endeavor to provide you with more than the basic and usually inaccurate information on diet and nutrition.
People's diet tends to be balanced. Eating a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods. The five basic groups are vegetables; fruit; bread and cereal; dairy; and meat, poultry, fish, and legumes (dry beans, lentils and peas). There's the sixth group: fats, sweets, and alcohol. It's a group you must avoid getting too many from them. Foods in this group have plenty of calories and not a fair balance of other nutrients.
Health Diet Pyramid has become a buzz word these years. People’s diet mostly changed referring to this pyramid. It contains four levels.
I think it is necessary for everyone to obey a healthy diet, because people’s health is essential in modern life. Maybe an optional choice is doing sports, which has nothing to do with our topic.

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