Attitude towards environment
" WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT""What we think is what we do", attitudes leads our behaviour. Every bit that has change the environment mostly is derived from our own creation. We could considered human as egoistic in nature, we acquire as much as possible from natural resources that is available to satisfy our needs and wants especially evolution in technology. We take but without giving back, because most of us doesn't care about the environment. and why don't we? From the survey, the result shows that many individual is not aware of seriousness or the cause that environment could bring to us. Even nowadays there is an increasingly in natural disasters but we still ignore or not facing the problem we have created, we think that it doesn't really affect our daily life and so we are not motivate enough to take action, or another possibility is the influence of others. There ain't sufficient people in the society to bring out the thoughts of protecting the environment which is not strong enough at the moment that could change our attitudes such as from the government, companies, parents, teachers, friends and more, who has the most influential power to impact those people we live or meet with. From companies point of view, when we think why do they exists, most answers come with- to make profit, as mention not only individual but also the company are self centred, they do whatever way that they could generate as much money as possible, companies such as produce cigarette, fireworks, oil are afraid or escape from saving the planet because they want to retain their business in the market or for survival. Anyhow, every individual has the responsibility to do the best to protect the environment, but first we need to figure out the "good remedy" of how can we change our attitudes and in fact this is the most important thing before we step in any further, cause if we don't, not only we wont take any action but also we will just keep destroying our planet.

Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find. ~Quoted in Time
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