Saturday, May 5, 2012

how smoking affect the environmet

How smoking affect the environment?
The air pollution is becoming the hot issue these days. Many researches have indicated that smokers are one of the direct contributor of the air environment pollution.

  1. How smokings cause air pollution?

Almost all smokers think that smoking just affect their own health. However, the fact is smoking is not only damage their health but also affect other people. When you smoke, it is not just you inhale the harmful substance, when you breath, you are releasing that residual to the atmosphere so that everyone around you will inhale the residuals.

  1. Cigarette smoke produces 10 times more air pollution than diesel car exhaust
There was a research proved this problem:
The controlled experiment was carried out in a private garage in a small mountain town in northern Italy. The town enjoys very low levels of particulate matter air pollutionA turbo diesel 2 litre engine was started and left idling for 30 minutes in the garage, with the doors closed, after which the doors were left open for four hours. The car was fuelled with low sulphur fuel. Three filter cigarettes were then lit up sequentially, and left smouldering for a further 30 minutes. The nicotine and tar content of each cigarette was 1 mg and 11.2 mg, respectively. A portable analyser took readings every two minutes during the experiments. Combined particulate levels in the first hour after the engine had been started measured 88 ug/m3. Those recorded in the first hour after the cigarettes had been lit measured 830 ug/m3: 10 times greater. The diesel engine exhaust doubled the particulate matter levels found outdoors at its peak; the environmental tobacco smoke particulate matter reached levels 15 times those measured outdoors.
To sum up, smokers should all be aware of the huge impact on other people and the whole environment, and meanwhile take care of their own body.

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