Sunday, May 6, 2012

Green Design

Green design(also called sustainable design) is intended to develop more environmentally benign products and processes.The application of green design involves a particular framework for considering environmentalissues, the application of relevant analysis and synthesis methods, and a challenge to traditionalprocedures for design and manufacturing.

There is no widespread consensus on the particular goals to be pursued by green design. Some hold the opinion that green design should be pursued solely to reduce costs. Others focus on particular strategies, such as recycling to save raw material. No matter how people think of it, the main attention should be focus on particular environment problem, such as global warming, or a particular media, such as air pollution.
I think solar collector is a good example of the green design. Thus, people are the contributors who are using that to reduce the air pollution. I have found another example of solar energy. Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy.

There are some principles for Green design
1. Low-impact materials.
2. Energy efficiency.
3. Quality and durability
4. Design and durability

Green design = Future

Come on guys, let's extend the life of our future!

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