Sunday, May 6, 2012

didu know?

From the figure below, it is obvious to see that how every actions have an impact in our environment. Part of the reason we didn't start to act is because we are unaware of how our daily usage causes in carbon emission. An investigation was done and it shows that...

1. If you do not eat meat for 1 meal, you can reduce 780 capture in carbon emission
2. if you cut down 1 kg of rubbish, you can reduce 206 capture in carbon emission
3. if you didn't use air conditioner for 1 hour, you can reduce 572.40 capture in carbon emission
4. if you take less than 1 floor elevator, you can reduce 218 capture in carbon emission
5. if you completely shut down your laptop and unplug them for 16 hours, you can reduce 46.70 capture in carbon emission
6. if you stand by our computer for 10 minutes, you can reduce 6.36 capture in carbon emission
7. if you did not open your desktop for 1 hour, you can reduce 109 capture in carbon emission
8. if you did not ride on motorcycle for 1 km, you can reduce 62 capture in carbon emission
9. if you did not drive your car for 1 km, you can reduce 221 capture in carbon emission
10. if you use 1 less Dixie cup (cup made of papers), you can reduce 11 capture in carbon emission 
11. if you use 1 less of take away box, you can reduce 480 capture in carbon emission 
12. if you use 1 kilowatt less of electricity, you can reduce 636 capture in carbon emission
13. if you watch 1 hour less of TVs, you can reduce 89 capture in carbon emission
14. if you use 1 hour less in washing your cloths from washing machines, you can reduce 267 capture in carbon emission
15. if you use 10 minutes less of hair dryer, you can reduce 110.60 capture in carbon emission
16. if you use electricity saving bulb, you can reduce 62.328 capture in carbon emission
17. if you turn off electricity water hot pot for 12 hours,you can reduce 267.12 capture in carbon em 

Can you see how surprising this figure is? so, 


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